March 26, 2006

Tapestry Edit Component

Howard Lewis-Ship wrote about having an edit component for a pojo.

<span jwcid="@edit:EditObject" object="ognl:pojo"/>

I had already started working on such a component, after getting fed up of creating edit pages by hand. I have posted some (alpha) code at

The component is referenced as Edit<>.

The object to edit is passed using the item parameter.

The layout parameter can be used to pass a literal string selecting a layout. The default layout is "table", which produces a table, where each property is on a new table row. Template layouts can be contributed to a hivemind service. eg. TemplateLayoutTableColumns provides a layout for one row per object views of a collection.

The type of component used to display a property can be specified in the component specification, eg. Edit<,myfield=TextFieldPropertyComponent>. Selecting a component of null suppresses the property from being displayed.

The default type of component selected to display and edit a property can be set by contributing a IComponentProvider to the tapestry.contrib.editor.ComponentProviders configuration point.

Bindings on this component of the form "subcomponent.parameter" are forwarded to the subcomponent.

To display collections, parameters mimicking the For component parameters are used.

A sequence parameter can be used to specify the order in which the properties are displayed.

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